Submit Your Music

Music Submissions
   Here at the Under Cover Album Review Blog we take ALL album submissions very seriously. That being said, our priority genres are Hip-Hop, Soul, Funk, Blues, Jazz so if you submit music from other genres, you are aware that the chances of getting posted/reviewed decreases exponentially. Not every album submitted will be reviewed or posted on the blog, but every submission will ALWAYS get a listen to the album or watch to the video. If we like the music, then it will more than likely be featured on the blog. If we decide not to review your album or post your video please keep me updated on future projects as I am always looking for albums to review. If you have an album, single or video you wish to submit, please send it to and follow the following guidelines.

*For ALL Submissions, please include a professional picture of the artist.

When submitting an album to be reviewed, include the following in your e-mail:
1) A download link (If the album requires purchase please mention that)
2) The release date of the album
3) A quick 2-3 sentence bio on you, and the album.
4) Make the subject line on the e-mail, "Album Submission"
5) Your personal sites, twitter, facebook etc.
6) If their is a video for a single of the submitted album, please include a link to watch that
*If you are wanting to send a physical copy as a submission, or in addition, please include that in your e-mail.

For Music Video submissions, include the following in your e-mail:
1) YouTube Link of Video
2) A background of the artist
3) Background of the song
4) Personal sites
5) Subject Line "Video Submission"

For Single song submissions include:
1) Link to song, preferably bandcamp, Itunes, Soundcloud.
2) Background of Artist
3) Information on the song
4) Personal sites
5) Subject line "Single Submission"

*Submissions are what help this blog run, so please keep them coming!






Created in 2013, The Under-Cover Album Review strives to bring the world quality music, by quality artists. This motto will continue to be our foundation as we move forward in time.

-Vinny Sciascia, Creator & Operator