Monday, August 24, 2015

Streets of Gold (Video) by SkyBlew

No stranger to The Under-Cover Album Review is the North Carolina based rhymer, SkyBlew. His  latest visual is for his track  "Streets of Gold" and his consistently soft yet swift delivery is evident once more all throughout this song. Blew's style and sound is unchanging, which is by no means a bad thing, for one listen to the featured track and it should be quite clear to all listeners that he's found a winning formula, and is sticking with it. In regards to the video itself, there are a neat set of animations that go along with the lyrics, which is always better than the cliche' "rapper in the city" music video. Give it a play and be sure to comment your thoughts below.


Created in 2013, The Under-Cover Album Review strives to bring the world quality music, by quality artists. This motto will continue to be our foundation as we move forward in time.

-Vinny Sciascia, Creator & Operator